Doc.-No.: P400-006.000 E
Page: 7-38
Revision: 10
Date of Issue: 07. October 2008
Date of Rev.: 06.07.2020
7.13 Electrical-System _______________________________
7.13.1 Power-Supply and Battery-System
The rated-voltage of the electrical-system is 12V.
The starter-battery is designed as a maintenance-free lead-battery with AGM-
technology. The required minimum-capacity is 16Ah. The battery-mounting is
located in the rear area of the engine-compartment, outside of the fire-wall.
If the engine is running, the electrical system is supplied by a 600W-alternator.
This alternator is flanged to the engine and is driven by a V-belt. An additional
generator is integrated into the engine and only supplies the main-fuel-pump
and the TCU.
The electrical-circuits of all electric consumers are protected by fuses or circuit-
7.13.2 Ignition-System
The ROTAX 914 F2 engine is equipped with a dual non-contacting capacitor-
ignition-system. This ignition system is supplied by an integrated generator. The
ignition-system is maintenance-free and requires no external power-supply.
Two independent charging-coils are mounted on the crankshaft-case. Each coil
supplies one of the two independent ignition-circuits. The electrical energy is
stored in the capacitors of the electronics-modules. At the ignition-point, 2 of the
4 external probes discharge the capacitors through the primary-coils of the dual-
ignition-transformers. The order of ignition is: 1-4-2-3.
7.13.3 Electrical Circuits
The electrical-system is divided into 4 main-electrical-circuits. They are supplied
by 4 busses:
: supplies all consumers needed with a running or non-running engine
(powered-configuration or glider-configuration). It is turned ON with the master-
switch-level „Main“. The main-bus is made up of the circuit-breakers A1 – A3
and A11 – A-14 (see ill. 7-2) as well as by the fuses S3 – S7 (see ill. 7-3).
: supplies all consumers only required in the powered-configuration.
The engine-bus is connected to the main-bus with a relay. It is turned ON with
the master-switch-level „Engine“. Turning OFF the engine-bus in the glider-
configuration drains less energy from the battery. The engine-bus is designed as
a distribution-box with fuses and is located behind the right side of the