Flight Manual STEMME S6
Doc.-No.:P400-006.000 E
Page: 3-23
Revision: ---
Date of Issue: 07. October 2008
Agency approved
Date of Rev.: --.--.----
When little fuel is available
If necessary reduce power-
setting and air-speed. Fly
without bank-angle or sideslip.
If the engine has stopped
Do normal airstart-procedure
(see section
If the fuel-pressure is normal again when using of the auxiliary-fuel-pump (but
drops when the auxiliary-fuel-pump were set to OFF) most likely there is a
malfunction of the main-fuel-pump or a malfunction of the internal generator.
The flight can be completed with auxiliary-fuel-pump continuously ON. But there
is a risk of engine-failure.
If it is not possible to restore the normal fuel-pressure, prepare to land on the
next suitable airfield. A sudden engine-failure must be expected at anytime.
b) Fuel-pressure above 3.5:
If the fuel-pressure-indicator is above 3.5, the fuel-pressure is above the
allowable limit. There can also be a malfunction of the gauge or sensor-system.
The high fuel-pressure can cause an engine-failure. The reason for this can be a
malfunction of the fuel-pressure-control-unit or a malfunction of the fuel-pump.
If the main-fuel-pump and the auxiliary-fuel-pump are working at the same time,
set the auxiliary-fuel-pump to OFF to check if the fuel-pressure will fall to below
Prepare to land on the next suitable airfield. A sudden engine-failure must be
expected at anytime.
Use the auxiliary-fuel-pump when landing, even if the fuel-
pressure is too high.