Stemme AG – Flugplatzstrasse F2 Nr. 7 – D-15344 Strausberg
Doc.-No.: P400-006000 E
Page: ii
Revision: 10
Date of Issue: 07. October 2008
Date of Rev.: 06.07.2020
The English version of the Flight Manual is a direct translation from the EASA
approved German version, approval number EASA.A.143.
If there are any discrepancies in the translation the German version is deemed
This motorglider may only be operated in correspondence to the instructions
and operating limitations specified in this Flight Manual.
Flugplatzstraße F2, Nr. 6-7
D-15344 Strausberg
Phone: +49.3341.3612-0
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.stemme.com
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