DocID13284 Rev 2
The bootstrap loader
15.6.11 Internal
decoding of test modes
The test mode decoding logic is located inside ST10F276 Bus Controller.
The decoding is as follow:
Alternate Boot Mode decoding: (P0L.5 & P0L.4)
Standard Bootstrap decoding: (P0L.5 & P0L.4)
Normal operation: (P0L.5 & P0L.4)
The other configurations select ST internal test modes.
15.6.12 Example
In the following example Alternate Boot Mode works as follow:
On rising edge of RSTIN pin, the reset configuration is latched.
if Bootstrap Loader mode is not enabled (P0L[5..4] = ‘11’), then ST10F276 hardware
proceeds with a standard hardware reset procedure.
If standard Bootstrap Loader is enabled (P0L[5..4] = ‘10’), then the standard ST10
Bootstrap Loader is enabled and a variable is cleared to indicate that ABM is not
If Alternate Boot Mode is selected (P0L[5..4] = ‘01’), then depending on signatures
integrity checks a predefined reset sequence is activated.
Selective boot mode
The Selective Boot is a sub-case of the Alternate Boot Mode. When none of the signatures
is correct, instead of executing the Standard Bootstrap Loader (triggered by P0L.4 low at
reset), additional check is made.
Address 00’1FFCh is read again with the following behavior:
If value is 0000h or FFFFh, then a jump is performed to the Standard Bootstrap Loader.
High byte is disregarded.
Low byte bits selects which communication channel is enabled.
ABM Flag (or TMOD3)
‘0’: Alternate Boot Mode is not selected by reset configuration on P0L[5..4]
‘1’: Alternate Boot Mode is selected by reset configuration on P0L[5..4]: this bit is set
if P0L[5..4] = ‘01’ during hardware reset.