101501-695 REV B
475 Wireless Boulevard • Hauppauge, New York 11788, USA • www.spellmanhv.com • T:+1 631.630.3000 • F:+1 631.435.1620
The checksum is used for RS-232 communication only and is computed
as follows:
Add the <CMD>, <;>, and <ARG> bytes excluding the <STX>
byte into a 16 bit (or larger) word. The bytes are added as
unsigned integers.
Take the 2’s compliment (negate it) and add the value of 1 to the
resulting value.
Truncate the result down to the eight least significant bits.
Clear the most significant bit (bit 7) of the resultant byte, (bitwise
AND with 0x7F).
Set the next most significant bit (bit 6) of the resultant byte (bitwise
OR with 0x40).
Using this method, the checksum is always a number between 0x40 and
0x7F. The checksum can never be confused with the <STX> or <ETX>
control characters, since these have non-overlapping ASCII values.
If the DSP detects a checksum error, the received message is ignored
no acknowledge or data is sent back to the host. A timeout will act as an
implied NACK.
CheckSum Calulate Example for VREF command:
VREF<SP>1000; = 0x24F
total sum in Hex
= 0x31
– total sum) AND with 0x7F.
= 0x71
OR with 0x40.
CheckSum = 0x71.