S P E C T R A L I N K 8 4 - S E R I E S U S E R G U I D E
Dialing Contact Names
The Dial Mode softkey allows you to enter letters, special characters, and supported language characters that may
be required for entering a name.
To dial a name, press
and then press the
Dial Mode
softkey and select the
option. Start entering the
letters of the name you wish to call. The Auto-complete feature will populate the list with names from your Contact
Directory and names from the sent, received and missed call lists. Continue to enter the name or scroll to the name
you wish to call and press
Opening the Dialer from the Home Screen
You can open the Dialer from the Home screen using one of the following procedures:
On-Hook Dialing
Press a number key (0-9) to start dialing, and the Dialer displays the number in the dial cell.
You can place the call when you finish entering the numbers or, if the Auto-complete feature matches the number
you are dialing to a stored number, select the matching number and press
to place the call. You can enable
or disable On- Hook Dialing (also referred to as pre-dialing) from the Home screen by navigating to
Settings > Basic
Settings > Preferences > On-Hook Dialing
Press the
Start Key
Press the
key to open the Dialer and listen for a dial tone. You can enter the number
manually or select the number from the Auto-complete list as you begin to dial.
Select a Line
Press the
softkey, select
from the menu, and choose a line you wish to use. The
Dialer opens and you hear a dial tone. You can enter the number manually or select the number from the Auto-
complete list as you begin to dial.
Select an Audio Path
Press the
softkey and select an audio path from the menu. The Dialer opens
and you hear a dial tone. You can enter the number manually or select the number from the Auto-complete list as
you begin to dial.
Opening the Dialer from the Session Screen
If you want to place a call during an active call, you can open the Dialer. When you begin to dial the new number,
the Auto-complete cells will replace the session cells of active calls until the new call begins to ring. Open the Dialer
during active calls using one of the following ways:
If On-Hook dialing is enabled, press the
softkey and then press a number key (0-9) to start dialing.
The Dialer displays the number in the dial cell. You can place the call when you finish entering the numbers or, if
the Auto-complete feature matches the number you are dialing to a stored number, select the matching number
and press
to place the call. You can enable or disable On-Hook dialing from the Home screen by navigating to
Settings > Basic Settings > Preferences > On-Hook Dialing.
Press the
Start key
Pressing the
key places the active call on hold and opens the Dialer. You can
listen for a dial tone. Enter the number manually or select a number from the Auto-complete list as you begin to dial.
Managing Calls
This section shows you how to manage incoming calls. The handset can alert you of incoming calls using one of
many different ringtones. Ringtones are played through the handset speaker unless you have silenced the handset
speaker. If you are wearing a headset, you will hear an in-ear notification instead of a speaker alert.