Spectralink 80-Series Handsets Administration Guide with SRP
October 2013
Association failures since power up (AssocFailure)
Re-association failures since power up (ReAssocFail)
A s s o c C o u n t n n n n n
R e A s s o c C o u n t n n n n n
A s s o c F a i l u r e n n n n n
R e A s s o c F a i l n n n n n
Screen 5
Security error count since power up (Sec-ErrCount)
MAC sequence number of frame with last security error (LstSecErrSeq)
S e c - E r r C o u n t n n n n n
L s t S e c E r r S e q n n n n n
Screen 6 – EAP Information
“xxxxx” in Line 1 is a 5-digit decimal value displaying the EAP authentication failure/error
“xxxxx” in Line 2 is a 5-digit decimal value displaying the error code/sequence for the last
EAP authentication reason, listed just below. Line 2 will be blank if the count for Line 1 is
1 = Unknown error
2 = Mismatch in EAP type. The phone is configured with an EAP type (Cisco FSR,
PEAP or EAP-FAST) that is not supported by the AP.
3xxx = Certification failure. The certificate presented by the server is found as invalid.
“xxx” when having a non-zero value, is the standard TLS alert message code. For
example, if a bad/invalid certificate (on the basis of its signature and/or content) is
presented by the server “xxx” will be 042. If the exact reason for the certificate being
invalid is not known, then the generic certificate error code would be xxx=000. [Refer
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2246.txt , section 7.2 for further TLS alert/error codes].
4xxx = Other TLS failures. This is due to TLS failure other than certification related
errors. The reason code (the TLS alert message code) is represented by “xxx”. For
example, if the protocol version presented by the server is not supported by the phone
then xxx will be 70, and the EAP error code would be 4070. [Refer
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2246.txt , section 7.2 for further TLS alert/error codes].