Spectralink 80-Series Handsets Administration Guide with SRP
October 2013
The first time the
key is pressed, the
icon is shown, and the first four counters are
displayed. The next time it is pressed, the
icon is shown, and the next four counters are
displayed. The counters will be cycled through in this fashion until there are no more counters to
be displayed. After all the counters have been displayed, the screen returns to the normal off-
hook IP-PBX screen.
The information provided by
Screen 1
Missed receive packet count since power up (MissedRcvCnt)
Missed transmit packet count since power up (MissedXmtCnt)
Receive retry count since power up (RxRetryCount)
Transmit retry count since power up (TxRetryCount)
M i s s e d R c v C n t n n n n n
M i s s e d X m t C n t n n n n n
R x R e t r y C o u n t n n n n n
T x R e t r y C o u n t n n n n n
Screen 2
Jitter – average error or “wobble” in received packet timing, in microseconds
Last successful transmit data rate (LastRate)
Gateway type (GatewyType)
J i t t e r
n n n n n
L a s t R a t e
n n n n n
G a t e w y T y p e
m n e m o
T X P o w e r ( d B m ) r r r r r
mnemo – a mnemonic that indicates what type of gateway is being used
11Mb – this system can run at full speed
rrrrr -- Tx Power configured in dBm
Screen 3
Screen 3 contains a list of the APs that are heard and the following parameters from each AP: