Cause, explanation
Glass becomes
sooted heavily,
rapidly and une-
You did not use the correct combusti-
on materials.
Use natural, bulky bits of timber compliant with 1st BImSchV §3 (German legislation).
The ambient temperature is above
about 15°C. The weather conditions
are unfavorable (e.g. fog). These wea-
ther conditions occur most frequently
in spring and fall.
Fill the fireplace with a small amount of fuel and light it with the damper fully open (max. air flow).
There is a temperature inversion. That
means that the upper layers of the atmo-
sphere are warmer than the lower layers.
Fill the fireplace with a small amount of fuel and light it with the damper fully open (max. air flow).
The combustion air controller is not
fully opened.
Move the air actuating lever into its far right-hand position.
The external combustion air line is
not free.
Clean the combustion air line.
Combustion air is too heavily
restricted. This means that soot accu-
mulates quickly, within just half an
hour. (it is normal for the fireplace unit
to become progressively dirtier from
operation of the system. When driving,
a car window becomes dirty, too!)
Check the position of the air lever and, if necessary, open up the combustion air flow rate fully to bring the
fireplace unit up to operating temperature.
The seating of a gasket is not perfect.
Check all seals, e.g. open the fire door and press the seal fully into the door profile.
The wood is not dry enough.
Measure the residual humidity in the wood used with a humidity detector. The recommended residual humidity
is 20% or less.
Not enough wood has been added. (an
insufficient amount of wood can result
in temperatures in the stove not being
high enough).
The proper amount of wood feed per hour for your tiled stove can be found in the technical data.
The chimney draught is too strong /
too weak.
Observe the situation. The draught characteristics can be affected by the prevailing weather pattern. If the
glass continues to soot up badly, inform your chimney sweep.
Fire is difficult to
You did not use the correct combusti-
on materials.
Use natural, bulky bits of timber compliant with 1st BImSchV §3 (German legislation).
The wood is not dry enough.
Measure the residual humidity in the wood used with a humidity detector. The recommended residual humidity
is 20% or less.
The wood too thick.
Use small-sized timber to light the fire. For firewood, use only split wood that is not thicker than about 8 cm
at its thickest point. The optimum length of firewood is approximately 20 - 25 cm. In the case of prolonged
heating, do not add too much wood. Instead, it is better to add smaller quantities of wood.