In order to avoid damage due to over-heating (discolouration of the steel,
deformation, etc.) and to guarantee optimum performance over the lifetime of
the appliance, ensure that the stove is fuelled in the proper manner. To prevent
any risk of over-heating, make sure that the maximum heating capacity is
never exceeded.
The proper amount of wood feed per hour can be found in the technical data.
The individual wood logs should be no more than 25 cm in circumference!
Please note: Larger feed quantities lead to overheating and damage to the
stove. Wood pellets (briquettes) have a higher heating capacity than hardwood.
The hourly feed rates are therefore to be keep 20% less than with wood logs.
In the event of damage caused by overheating (an excessively high hourly fee
rate), we shall decline all warranty claims.
Heat output is controlled by regulating the amount of fuel being added. Do not
try to slow down combustion excessively by reducing the flow of inlet air. When
heating with wood, this causes incomplete combustion and therefore wastes
fuel and causes unnecessary levels of environmental pollution because wood
releases gases even if no flames are produced. Incomplete combustion also
leads to increased soot accumulating on the pane! In addition, there is the
risk of a deflagration (explosive ignition of flue gases). Ensure that the firebox
door is always firmly closed to prevent combustion being accelerated by the
uncontrolled inflow of air. The performance of your stove is also dependent on
the draught in your chimney. This draught can be adversely affected by the cross
section of the chimney, or by environmental factors such as strong winds etc.
The room heating capability used to be quoted in accordance with the DIN
18893 standard (most recent edition being August 1987) so is no longer a
meaningful indicator for modern houses constructed after 1990. As a com-
parison value, or for use on older housing stock that fails to comply with
the thermal insulation standard of 1977, the old indication of room heating
capability may still be of interest.
Precise descriptions of the terms 'favourable', 'less favourable' and 'unfa-
vourable' can be found in DIN 18893. The simplified description 'favourable'
applies to the case, where the room under consideration only has one external
wall and the remaining walls are adjacent to heated internal areas of the
building, "unfavourably" on the other hand is based on two exterior walls and
adjacent unheated rooms.
The values given refer to building fabrics that do not yet meet the require-
ments of the Heat Insulation Ordinance of 1977. They represent a simplifi-
cation which is valid for a room with a maximum size of up to 200 m
. Even
in room sizes larger than 200 m
, the DIN 18893 standard recommends a
calculation in accordance with DIN 4701. Nowadays, room heating capacity
estimates are made in accordance with TROL guidelines and more detailed
calculations in accordance with DIN 12831.
In the transitional period, when outdoor temperatures are above about 15°C
or under unfavorable conditions (katabatic winds, etc.) disturbances in the
chimney draught during a sudden temperature may rise, so that the hot gases
are not completely removed. To prevent this, less fuel should be used and the
air supply should be open (). This allows more flame to develop, burns the fuel
more quickly and stabilises the draught. In order to prevent the build up of ash,
the fire should be stoked more frequently. Once the chimney draught has sta-
bilised, the supply air setting can be reduced. Once the chimney draught has