Southwestern Industries, Inc.
EMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
EMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
“Feedrate”. You press 5. ,
SET to mill at 5 inches per minute.
“Tool #”. You input
2, SET because we’re calling the 3/8 end mill tool number 2.
"Tool Dia." Your press .375 SET.
“Continue”. You input “No.”, SET because this is not continuous path milling (wait to Sample
Part 2).
Event 5 - The Lower Left Radius
“Select Event”. You input soft key ARC
for Event 5.
“X Begin”. You input 0, ABS SET because we’re going to start at the top and mill down and
“Y Begin”. You input
.5, ABS SET.
“X End”. You input .5, ABS SE
“Y End”. You input 0, ABS SET.
“X Center”. You input .5, ABS SET, or we could have input 0, INC SET since the X Center is
the same as the X End.
“Y Center”. You input .5, ABS SET.
“CONRAD”. You input 0, SET.
“Direction”. You input 2, SET beca
use we are milling in a counterclockwise direction.
“Tool Offset”. You input
1, SET because looking from beginning towards end (the direction
of the tool cut) the tool is to the right of the work piece. Think about this to be sure you
“Feedrate”. You input 5., SET.
“Tool #”. You input 2, SET because that’s still our tool.
"Tool Dia". You input .375 SET (or ONC SET).
“Continue”. You input “No”, SET because this is not a continuous milling path.
Event 6 - The Circular Pocket
“Select Event”. You press POCKET PROFILE soft key for Event 6.
“Select”. You press CIRCLE POCKET soft key because our pocket is circular.
“X Center”. You press 1.5, POCKET ABS SET.
“Y Center”. You press
2.5, ABS SET.