Southwestern Industries, Inc.
EMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
EMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
7.3 Programming Events
(2 axis mode)
The following events are found in the ProtoTRAK EMX when running in 2 axis mode only. See
section 7.4 for 2 ½ axis events.
7.3.1 Posn Drill
This will position the table and saddle to the location you define. This event is used for
drilling holes and other positioning moves.
When you press the POSN/DRILL key, you choose between:
a single position.
Bolt Hole:
a series of positions spaced evenly around a circle.
When the program is run at a Posn/Drill Event, the ProtoTRAK EMX will servo at rapid (or
as modified by you) to each location defined and will wait for you to finish the operation
(e.g., drill the hole) and press the GO key before moving on.
7.3.2 Mill Event
Use this to machine a straight line in any direction. The prompts you answer in this
event will allow the ProtoTRAK EMX to calculate the complete tool path, including the
starting position and tool offsets. It is not necessary to program a rapid move to the
beginning position of the Mill Event.
When the program is run at a Mill Event, the ProtoTRAK EMX will rapid to the beginning
position, prompt you to set the quill Z depth, move through the Mill Event at the speed
you program and end at the ending position. (See the discussion on
below for
the variation in tool motion if the event is connective).
7.3.3 Arc Event
This is any part of a circle. Like the Mill Event, the prompts you answer will allow the
ProtoTRAK EMX to calculate the complete tool path.
When the program is run at an Arc Event, the ProtoTRAK EMX will rapid to the beginning
position, prompt you to set the quill Z depth, move through the Arc Event at the speed
you program and end at the ending position. (See the discussion on Continue below for
the variation in tool motion if the event is connective).
7.3.4 Pocket/Profile Event
Use this event to machine a pocket or profile with a minimal amount of programming.
When you press the Pocket/profile key, you choose between the following:
Circle pocket:
a circle and all the material in the center. Includes finish cut.
Rectangular pocket:
a rectangle and all the material in the middle. Includes finish cut.
Circle profile:
a circular circumference. Includes finish cut.
Rectangular profile:
a square or rectangular circumference. Includes finish cut.
When the program is run as a Profile Event, the ProtoTRAK EMX will rapid from wherever
it is to 3 o’clock on circular pockets and profilesand X1, Y1 on rectangular pockets and
profiles. After you set the cutter and press go, it will move through the first pass and then
the finish cut at the programmed feedrate and then move the cutter away from the part by
the amount of the programmed finish cut.