Southwestern Industries, Inc.
EMX Knee Mill, Bed Mill & ProtoTRAK
EMX CNC Retrofit Safety, Programming, Operating & Care Manual
, and
- the X and Y dimensions for the opposite corners on a rectangular pocket
or profile.
Prompts unique to the Repeat event:
First Event #
- the first event to be repeated.
Last Event #
- the last event to be repeated. If only one event is to be repeated, the First and
Last events will be the same number.
X Offset
- the incremental X offset from the event to be repeated.
Y Offset
- the incremental Y offset from the event to be repeated.
# Repeats
- the number of times the events are to be repeated up to 99.
The following prompts pertain to the 2 ½ mode found on the DPMEX2 machine.
Z Rapid
this is defined as the location from which the machine transitions from rapid feedrate
to the programmed feedrate in your event. Typically this value is set 0.1” o
r 2.5 mm above the
work piece.
Z End and Z Depth
this is defined as the depth you wish the Z axis to feed down to. For
example, if you wish to drill a 1” deep hole, you would enter
1.0000” ABS.
# of Pecks
this is how many moves the Z will move up and down when drilling a hole. The
pecks are variable, which means the first peck will remove more material than the next peck and
so on.
Z Feedrate
this is the feedrate the Z axis will move down at.
Z Rapid Offset
this is the Z rapid offset you want to apply to your repeat event. If you
program 0 INC, the Z rapid will be the same as your previous event.
Z Offset
this is the Z offset you wish to apply from your previous Z end or Z depth. If you
program 0 INC, the control will cut at the same depth as the previous event.
7.6 Continue
In MILL and ARC events the ProtoTRAK EMX will ask you to choose YES or NO to the continue
If you want the cutter to keep machining from the event you are programming to the next event
without stopping, you should choose YES. In 2 axis mode, if you want the cutter X/Y motion to
stop so that you can adjust Z quill position, then choose NO. In 2 ½ axis mode, the machine will
move automatically to your next programmed event.
If you choose YES, then the next event must be a connective event. Prompts for the X Beginning
location, Y Beginning location, Tool Offset, Feedrate, and Tool # will not be asked because, if the
events are connective, this data is already known. The programmed feedrate may be different
for different events, even when the events are connective. To change the feedrate within a
group of connective events, finish programming the event and then use the up arrow key to get
access to the feedrate prompt in previous events.