Configuring an Authentication Profile
Select Configuration > System > Authentication > Profiles to configure an authentication
profile based on a connection profile that you have created. You can also create authentication
profiles that apply to specific destination sites.
If you want to create an authentication profile that is based on a connection profile, you must also
create a profile using the Connection Profile Editor. For more information, see “Adding a Connection
Features on the Profiles tab are not available unless Active Directory is enabled. For more
information, see “Configuring Active Directory Access.”
If there are multiple authentication profiles configured, the first one in the list that matches is used.
Consider an appliance that has two authentication profiles: one that causes an IP range to
authenticate using SSO (SSOprofile), and another to exempt specific client applications from
authentication (ExemptApps). If SSOprofile is listed before ExemptApps, then ExemptApps will
never be used if a system is in that IP range. In this example, you would want to move ExemptApps
up in precedence so that it is listed before SSOprofile
1. Click Add.
The Authentication Profile Editor is displayed.
2. Choose a connection type.
Select Apply to all connections
Select Apply to only the following connection profiles
1. Select a connection profile from the drop-down list, or type a portion of the profile name in
the text box.
Important: Connection profiles are used to define a set of connection sources that can
be referenced in authentication profiles. You must configure a connection profile on the
System: Connection Profiles page in order to select it here.
2. Click Add.
Repeat these steps to add multiple connection profiles.
3. Click Next.
4. Choose which destinations the profile will cover.
Select Apply to all destinations
Select Apply to only the following destinations
1. In the Destination Sites text box, enter the domain, hostname, or IP address of the site.
This text box also accepts both path names and wildcards.
2. Click Add Site.
Repeat these steps to add multiple sites.
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