Image view pane
The current image from the camera input is displayed
when the HSR-X200/X200P is in stop status or in
recording mode. The playback image is displayed
when the HSR-X200/X200P is in playback mode.
You may change the read interval, image size, and
picture quality by selecting from the dropdown lists
and clicking on SET.
READ INTERVAL: You may select the interval for
reading the images:
1: 1000 ms
2: 500 ms
3: 250 ms
4: 100 ms
5: 25 ms
SIZE: You may select the image size:
1: 320
240 pixels
2: 400
300 pixels
3: 640
480 pixels
4: 800
600 pixels
5: 1024
768 pixels
6: 1280
960 pixels
QUALITY: You may select the picture quality:
1: Equivalent to LOW mode
2: Equivalent to MID mode
3: Equivalent to HIGH mode
CHANNEL selection field (accessible with ID2
or ID3 only)
This field is valid only when a multiplexer whose
channel information can be decoded is connected to
the HSR-X200/X200P.
Select the channel to be displayed from the dropdown
list and click on SET.
Status display area
Operation mode field: Shows LIVE when the HSR-
X200/X200P is in stop status or in a recording
mode or PLAY when the HSR-X200/X200P is in
playback mode.
Date/time field: Shows the current date and time when
the HSR-X200/X200P is in stop status or in a
recording mode. In a playback mode, the date and
time when the recording was made are displayed.
status of normal or timer recording that uses the
normal recording area.
STOP: No recording is being made.
RECORDING: Normal recording is in progress.
TIMER STANDBY: The unit is in timer-
recording standby status.
TIMER RECORDING: Timer recording is in
AREA FULL: The normal recording area is full.
ALARM RECORDING MODE: Shows the status of
alarm recording that uses the alarm recording area.
STOP: No recording is being made.
recording is in progress.
ALARM RECORDING: Alarm recording is in
AREA FULL: The alarm recording area is full.
PLAYBACK AREA: Shows the type of data being
played in playback mode.
ALARM: Alarm recording
PRE ALARM: Pre-alarm recording
NORMAL: Normal recording
ARCHIVE: Data stored in the archive area
SPEED: Shows the playback status in playback mode.
PLAY: Normal playback in the forward direction
PAUSE: Still-Picture mode
CUE: High-speed playback in the forward
R.PLAY: Normal playback in the reverse
REV: High-speed playback in the reverse direction