8 Embedded Web Server
the signal being output can be adjusted using the value in the ‘Trim’ field.
The value in this field can be modified by pressing the ‘+’ and ‘-’ buttons or
manually entering a value into the input field. The value can be any whole
number from -12 to 12 and is measured in dB. If the trim is adjusted an
icon will be shown next to the name of the stream in the grid ( or )
depending on the trim level set). An output can also be muted by selecting
the ‘Mute’ checkbox. If a stream is muted, a icon will be shown next to
the stream name in the grid.
Fig 8-28: ‘EQ’ Tab of ‘Configure Physical Output’ Window
The last tab available is the ‘EQ’ tab which allows a high pass filter and low
pass filter to be applied to an input.
• The ‘High Pass Filter’ can be enabled by selecting the ‘On’ checkbox. This
removes low frequency components from a signal. The frequency of the
lowest components to be allowed can be set using the ‘+’ and ‘-’ buttons
or by typing in a value in the input field.
• The ‘Low Pass Filter’ can be enabled by selecting the ‘On’ checkbox. This
removes high frequency components from a signal. The frequency of the
highest components to be allowed can be set using the ‘+’ and ‘-’ buttons
or by typing in a value in the input field.
• The value in these two fields can be any whole number from 40 to
• If a filter is set up for a stream, a icon will be shown next to the stream
name in the grid.
Fig 8-29: ‘General’ Tab of ‘Configure Physical Output’ Window, AVN-PA8