animeo KNX 4 AC MoCo · REF. 5071074 -
Automatic Cascading
Selection options:
If this parameter is set on "Yes", the motor outputs with one second delay in each case move to the corresponding position. This delay time
is taken into account with the start-up of the positions, which are generated from the settings "Reaction with bus voltage return" and
"Reaction with mains voltage return (230 V)".
Advantage: Power spikes can thus be reduced in larger projects.
6.8 Menu index card "Feedback motor positions"
"Feedback motor positions"
On this menu index card the parameters can be selected to announce the position status of the individual blinds on the bus. In addition, the
generated status positions are based on the parametered move times and turn times of the menu index cards motor 1 ... 4 or motor 1 - 4.
Feedback of status
Upper/lower end positions
Selection options:
Type of feedback
Uper/lower end positions
Selection options:
Combined if all are up/down
Combined if all are up/down
If this parameter is selected, the corresponding upper or lower end position is only announced on the bus, when all four blinds have
reached the upper (object 51) or lower (object 56) end position.
If this parameter is selected, the corresponding upper or lower end position is announced on the bus for each blind individually. Here, the
objects in each case (47-49 and 52-55) are made availaible.
This parameter opens the parameter
"Type of messaging".