animeo KNX 4 AC MoCo · REF. 5071074 -
100 %
0 %
6.3 Menu index card "Functions Motor 1 ... 4"
"Functions Motor 1 ... 4"
Four single menu index cards (Functions motor 1 … 4) become visible if on the menu card index "General", the basic setting of the blinds
on "Individual" is parametered. A menu index card (Motor 1 - 4) becomes visible if on the menu card index "General", the basic setting of
the motors is parametered to "Combined".
Intermediate position 1
UP / DOWN Position (0 - 100 %)
Selection options:
0 - 100 seconds
With this parameter the intermediate position 1 "UP/DOWN" is defined. The set value in % refers to the parametered move times of the cor-
responding blind of the menu index card Motor 1 … 4 / Motor 1 - 4.
Slats position (0 - 100 %)
Selection options:
0 - 100 seconds
With this parameter the intermediate position 1 "slats" is defined. The set value in % refers to the parametered complete slats turn of the
corresponding blind of the menu index card Motor 1 … 4 / Motor 1 - 4.
Intermediate position 1 can be learned-in individually via conventional local push buttons, or by a radio handheld transmitter per mo-
tor output. In addition, the last learned-in position applies.
Intermediate position 2
UP / DOWN Position (0 - 100 %)
Selection options:
0 - 100 seconds
With this parameter the intermediate position 2 "UP/DOWN" is defined. The set value in % refers to the parametered move times of the cor-
responding blind of the menu indes cards Motor 1…4 / Motor 1-4.