About the OAF
P/N: 1006148-01
Configuring the Receiver
Loading an OAF
Sokkia dealers provide customers with OAF files. For any OAF related questions, e-mail Sokkia at
[email protected] and include the receiver’s ID and serial number. To obtain these numbers, see “Viewing
Receiver Information” on page 22.
To load a new OAF:
1. Follow the steps in “Checking the Receiver’s OAF” on page 25.
2. Right-click on the Receiver Options window, and select Upload OAF (Figure 22).
Figure 22: Right-click and Select Upload OAF
3. Navigate to the location of the new Option Authorization File.
When connecting the Sokkia Atlas to the Sokkia Receiver Utility (SRU), some windows will display the
receiver as a GR-5 connected to TRU. This will change in future versions of the receiver Firmware.