information), except and only to the extent that such
dispositions are explicitly allowed due to the Terms, the
applicable Product manual or Product instructions.
You may neither alter nor modify the Product and may
not analyze, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble
the Product or any part of the Product, incorporate the
Product into any other application Product, or print
out the Product, except and only to the extent that such
activity is expressly permitted by applicable law, not-
withstanding this limitation.
8 . Limited warranty for the Product
Warranty for media upon which the Product is delivered, if
In addition to what is set out in the Terms, we warrant
the media on which the Product is recorded (to the
extent the Product is delivered upon such media, other-
wise not) to be free from defects in design, material and
workmanship under normal use for a period of ninety
(90) days from the date of purchase (as evidenced by a
copy of the receipt).
Unless otherwise set forth in this EULA together with
the Terms and/or following from mandatory and appli-
cable consumer legislation, Softube’s entire liability and
your exclusive remedy in case of warranty breaches is an
obligation to replace he media not meeting the Softube’s
limited warranty and which is returned to Softube or an
authorized representative of Softube with a copy of the
receipt. Softube will have no responsibility to replace any
media damaged by accident, abuse or misapplication.
Other defects in relation to the Product
Without prejudice to the foregoing and such statutory
rights available for you as a consumer (or an individual
with corresponding rights) under applicable law, our
responsibility and liability with regard to possible defects
in the Products shall be limited to faults arising during
the above ninety (90) day period and entailing that the
Products do not conform to the relevant specification
when used on advised equipment and in accordance
with the documentation and other instructions, gener-
subject however to certain provisions and limitations
in relation to Time restricted Licenses, Subscription
Licenses, Rent-to-Own Licenses and Combination
Licenses in accordance with the Terms. If we have
agreed to provide you with either of a Time restricted
License, Subscription License, Rent-to-Own License or
Combination License, you can normally not prematurely
terminate such a license prior to the first expiry date. We
will however not refund any amounts paid to us if you
prematurely terminate any license granted to you, unless
such termination is due to a material breach against the
provisions herein or the Terms from us.
In relation to a possible Evaluation License, the Evalu-
ation license granted to you will continue until it is
terminated by us or you or on the date when it expires
automatically (as the case may be).
Softube may however terminate the relevant Product
license with immediate effect if you breach the provi-
sions of this EULA or the Terms and/or fail to make the
agreed payments under the Terms. In case of a violation
of our and our licensors’, if any, intellectual property
rights to the Product or other material breach of this
EULA or the Terms, such termination may follow
immediately upon detection of such violation/breach.
Upon termination of the relevant Product license, you
must delete the Product from your equipment and any
copies thereof.
7 . Agreed limitations in your right to use
the Product
You may use the Product for only as many simultaneous
users, servers or other limiting parameters as are set out
in the Product (by means of technical limitations), ap-
plicable Product manual or Products instructions, as set
out in the Terms, the EULA or otherwise.
You may not copy or reproduce the Product, except
to the extent otherwise set out in applicable statutory
provisions. You as an end-user may neither transfer, sell,
distribute, lend, rent, lease nor in other way, directly
or indirectly, dispose of the Product or any deriva-
tive work of the Product (including its accompanying