A word on Mid/side stereo
Mid/side (M/S) stereo is a recording and mixing
technique devised by Alan Blumlein in the 1930s. One
cardioid microphone and one figure-8 mic capture the
sound on two channels. Later, during mixing, you can
freely adjust your stereo image, and the result is 100%
mono compatibility.
M/S is a very useful technique, often used in broadcast
situations. If you haven’t given it a try yet, go ahead!
There’s loads of information on M/S on the internet.
Many controls in the Console 1 Fader panel have an
optional function printed in yellow. These functions can
be reached by pressing the Shift button.
The Shift button is also essential, when you want to
quickly get back to the unprocessed sound. In a situation
where you’ve applied some sound altering functions in
Console 1 Fader (Low Cut, Drive, Width, etc), hold-
ing Shift while pressing Bypass lets you compare the
tweaked sound with the unprocessed sound.