OSD with Console 1 Fader
The default OSD view is rather self-explanatory. The
left side shows the input section of the selected channel
with details about filters, phase, and gain. The right side
presents the output stage of the same channel with info
on drive, pan and volume.
The middle section shows the first 10 channels, start-
ing with the selected channel strip at the top and the
volume and track name at the bottom.
Pressing the Display Mode button takes you through
two further, much more screen-economic OSD displays.
They show only a few parameters. If your screen is filled
with lots of information during your production process,
these miniature displays may be all you need at certain
work stages.
The On-Screen Display (OSD)
When you press the Console 1 Fader button Display
On, your screen will be filled by a big, black mixer
window, the OSD (On-Screen Display). All actions on
Console 1 Fader will be reflected here. This is where you
get a graphical feedback of all your edits.
Please note, that the OSD does not react to any form of
mouse action (except for resizing and moving the OSD).
All slider movements, button pushing and knob twisting
happen on the Console 1 Fader unit.