always contact us. Our contact details are set out in the
Privacy Policy and on our website.
2 . Our license options and license key
procedures for the Products
Softube’s various license options
Softube applies different licensing models, which
entitles you to use the Product. The license models
which currently are applied by us or may be applied by
us in the future in relation to licensing of the Products
are the following:
A right to use the Product on a perpetual basis
(“Perpetual License”);
A right to use the Product for a time restricted pe-
riod (“Time restricted License);
A right to use the Product which requires regular
payment of license fees from you to Softube (“Sub-
scription License”);
A right to use the Product, where your total license
fee is divided into monthly instalments due to a pay-
ment plan (“Rent-to-Own License”);
A temporary usage right for your test, trial and
evaluation of the relevant Product (“Evaluation
Licenses not for resale, as described below (“NFR”);
Combinations of the above license models (“Com-
bined License”).
In this EULA the above Perpetual License, Time
restricted License, Subscription License, Rent-to-Own
License, Evaluation License, NFR and/or Combined
License are jointly referred to as (“License Models”).
Please observe that Softube does apply differing terms
and conditions for different parts of the License Models.
Product Bundles
The License Models are normally applied only in rela-
tion to individual Products, but may also apply in rela-
tion to different Product bundles (“Bundles”) consisting
of hardware and software or only software bundles.
Bundles are only sold/licensed as a package and the
individual components of a Bundle are not to be sold/li-
censed separately, except and only to the extent that such
dispositions are explicitly allowed due to the Terms, the
applicable Product manual or Product instructions for
the individual Products (but then for another price than
follows from the Bundle). The set-ups, pricing mecha-
nisms and possibilities to transfer individual Products
of the Bundles may thus vary due to the set-up of and
specific terms applicable for the relevant Bundle.
Products labelled as Not for Resale (“NFR”)
Such of our Products which are marked, labeled or
otherwise provided to you as NFR shall only be used for
demonstration, testing and evaluation purposes. NFR
Products may not be used for any commercial purposes,
and must not be sublicensed, resold or transferred. NFR
Products are subject to specific exceptions with regard
to right of new versions and cannot be purchased with
or exchanged for vouchers or coupons. Furthermore, as
an owner of a NFR Product, you are not entitled to any
vouchers that may follow with the standard version of
the Product.
Softube’s use of license key and license key procedures
Our Products may not be used without use of a cor-
responding Product license key. You may purchase and/
or obtain a Product license key from Softube subject to
conditions applied by Softube, from time to time, under
the Terms.
Please note that you are responsible for the Product
license key received and Softube will not replace any lost
Product license keys.
You acknowledge and accept that Softube may store
certain information relating to the Product license keys
that you have purchased in relation to the Product in
order for us to i.e. provide you the ability to re-download
such products in the future. Softube’s processing of your
personal data in that regard is governed by Softube’s
privacy policy as set out in the Terms and the documents