Using Console 1 Fader with
Apollo Central
If you are an Apollo Central user, you can control your UAD channels and plugins in the Apollo
Console from the Console 1 Fader hardware. To switch to the Apollo Central mode, open the OSD
and press Shift + Display Mode. This mode is indicated by the "Apollo Central" logo in the top right
corner. You exit Apollo Central mode by pressing Shift + Display Mode again.
Apollo Central mode is especially useful, when using a UAD Apollo unit for tracking. Console 1 Fader
becomes your hardware control of the following functions in the UAD software console.
Fader, Pan, Solo, and Mute.
Phase Reversal, Low Cut, Aux Sends, and Input Gain.
You can also recall presets remotely from Console 1 Fader by pressing Load Strip on the OSD.
Upon entering and leaving Apollo Central mode, the faders will run a calibration routine by moving
quickly up and down. This is expected behavior.
Detailed info about working with Apollo Central can be found in the Console 1 manual.