What is the best insert slot?
When Console 1 Fader is used in DAW Control mode,
it takes the place of the channel fader of your DAW.
So no matter where in the insert effects slot you place
Console 1 Fader, it will always affect the sound after it
has passed through all the other plugins on that track.
But when Console 1 Fader is not used in DAW Con-
trol mode, its position in the rack makes a difference.
Normally, Console 1 Fader works best as the last effect
in the insert chain. But if your project has sounds that
go through long echo or reverb effects, closing the fader
will also kill the echo/reverb tail. That may not be what
you want. In such a scenario, it would be better to place
Console 1 Fader before the time-based effects.
Please also read the section about DAW control on page