treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and
treaties. Any and all intellectual and other property
rights to and in the Products vest in and shall remain
vested in Softube or its licensors. The Product is licensed
to you, subject to the agreed the License Model applied,
and thus not sold.
For avoidance of doubt, it is also agreed that no right,
title or interest in or to any trademark, service mark,
logo, domain or trade name of Softube, its licensors or in
relation to the Products is granted to you or other end-
users of the Product.
5 . Grant of license to you from Softube
You are as from the effective date of this EULA under
the Terms and the provisions of this EULA granted
a non-exclusive, transferable, time-restricted (if ap-
plicable to the specific Product) and revocable right to
use the Product subject to the agreed License Model.
The license may thus be perpetual or subject to certain
limitations in time or otherwise, and may also only be
possible to use together with certain equipment.
The license applies for all versions of the Product (i.e.
such as patches, updates, upgrades etc.), which you may
receive from us during the term of the agreed License
Model. The availability of such later versions of the
Product, if any, is subject to our sole and exclusive dis-
cretion as applied from time to time.
Unless you change (subject to possibility under the
Terms) and/or agree to change the applicable License
Model for your Product with us, as applicable, the origi-
nally agreed License Model shall continue to apply for
you until expiry or termination of the same, as the case
may be.
6 . Termination of a Product license and
effects of a termination
You may at any time and for any reason terminate the
Product license granted to you with immediate effect,
referenced therein.
The Product is developed and designed for use upon
a computer or other hardware equipment with certain
hardware and software and other technical requirements
applicable for such equipment, as set out in our specific
Product documentation for each of Softube’s Products
and the relevant version of the same.
3 . Price and payment of the Products
All details in relation the prices for the Products in dif-
ferent License Models are set out in the Terms and upon
our website. Please be advised that prices may vary and
from time to time and can also be subject to campaign
offers and similar.
If and to the extent a Product in whole or in part is pay-
able through use of a voucher, coupon or other similar
restricted offer is also set out in the Terms, our website
and/or other promotional material.
Unless otherwise set out in the Terms or a specific end-
user offer, all Products are to be paid either through a
full pre-payment or subject to a payment plan e.g. for a
Subscription License, Rent-to-Own License or other
Time restricted License and similar.
All our other payment conditions and available and
accepted payment means, as available from time to time,
are set out in the Terms and on our website.
4 . Intellectual property rights in relation
to the Products
Softube and/or its licensors own all copyright and
other intellectual property rights in and to the Products
(including any images, photographs, graphics, anima-
tions, video, audio, music, and text incorporated into the
Product), accompanying printed or digital materials, and
any copies you are permitted to make under the provi-
sions of this EULA or applicable statutory rights, are
owned by Softube or its licensors. Our Products are also
protected by copyright laws and international copyright