novaPDF v7 User Manual
Copyright © 2011 Softland
overwrite it.
If the folder where the pdf will be saved is stored on a network location, the Connect using a
different user name option becomes active. You can use it if the network folder where you want to
save the PDF requires authentication (different from your user login). Simply click on it and enter
the username/password.
Merge with PDF file
Using the options in this group you can select how to merge the current document you're
converting with an existing PDF (selected in the File name section) - by inserting it before the
existing content, or after it.
Append to existing PDF file
If a PDF file with the same name already exists in the selected destination and the Append to
existing PDF file option is checked, the current PDF file will be merged with the existing one,
adding its pages at the end of the previous existing document.
Insert before existing PDF file
If a PDF file with the same name already exists in the selected destination and the Insert before
existing PDF file option is checked, the current PDF file will be merged with the existing one,
adding its pages before the content of the previous existing document.
PDF Password
If you selected in the File Name section an already existing PDF file and you want to merge the
current document with it, you'll have to enter the password needed to open the existing one (only
if it's password protected). If the PDF you want to merge with is not password protected, you
must leave this field empty.
After save action
Using the options from this section you can set whether to perform an action or not after the PDF
file was generated and saved.
Open PDF with default viewer
This is selected by default. The resulting PDF file will be opened in the default PDF viewer once the
conversion is finished. Uncheck it if you don't want it automatically opened.
Send email
If you check this option, after the PDF file is created it will be sent via email to the recipients
specified in the Configure Email section from the Email tab (in the Printing Preferences
window). If the email properties are not set in the Email tab, you'll get a warning letting you
know that you have to configure the email sending options (otherwise you'll have to uncheck the
Send email option from this page to continue creating the PDF without emailing it).
PDF/A-1b (RGB)
Check this option if you want to have the resulted PDF file compliant with the ISO standard PDF/
A-1b for the RGB colorspace.
PDF/A is a PDF file format used for long-term archiving of documents in electronic format. It uses
PDF Reference 1.4 (implemented in Adobe Acrobat 5) and complies with the ISO Standard - ISO
When the PDF/A -1b (RGB) option is checked, several options will be set as default ones to
ensure the compatibility: the Fonts will be Always embedded, the file links option will be
unchecked (if checked previously) and all Security settings will be disabled. This option can be
checked from the Edit Profiles page too.