Chapter 3
System description
3.2.5 Incubator
The reaction modules filled with sample and reagent are incubated
according to the assay requirements in the incubator at 36°C
The incubator has 16 receptacles for the reaction modules. Loading,
incubation time are controlled via the software and dependent on
assay type.
Deviations in temperature are signaled on the monitor screen
automatically via an icon.
Status and warning display on the monitor screen
The icon (thermometer symbol) is responsible for all temperature
parameters of the system and thus also for the incubator temperature
This icon combines two functions:
a) Warning display with ‘traffic light’ function
The color of the thermometer on the icon changes according to status:
All temperature & voltage parameters are OK
One or more temperature or voltage parameters are
outside the defined range. Press the icon and check
which temperature is outside the specified range. Notify
customer service
b) Status display
The existing temperature and voltage parameters of the system are
displayed in the
[System Parameter]
dialog box by pressing the icon.
Fig. 3.2.5-1: [System Parameters] dialog box
Operating instructions
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