1. Turn off grill and allow to cool to touch.
2. Unplug from wall.
3. Remove cooking racks, water bowl, grease deflector, and heat diffuser.
4. Cleanout any ash, pellets or debris in crucible.
5. Remove pellets from hopper.
6. Remove four screws holding pellet hopper to auger housing and remove hopper. Reference
Fig. 1
If connections to controller are limiting space, remove controller and disconnect connections to gain more
access. Reference “Controller Access / Replacement” instructions. Tie a piece of string to plugs at this step.
This will make connections easier in future steps.
7. Remove auger motor screw and nut
(Fig. 4)
8. Pull auger motor from auger.
9. Remove bushing screw and remove auger bushing.
10. Remove auger from auger tube.
11. Using medium grit sand paper, sand outside
of auger and inside of auger tube.
12. Using a vacuum clean out auger tube.
13. Insert auger into auger tube.
14. Insert auger tube bushing and assemble screw.
15. Push auger motor onto auger shaft and assemble screw.
If controller was disconnected, reassemble.
Reference: “Controller Access/Replacement” instructions.
16. Assemble pellet hopper to auger housing using four screws.
Cleaning is complete.
1. Turn off grill and allow to cool to touch.
2. Remove cooking racks, water bowl, grease deflector, and heat diffuser.
3. Clean out any ash, pellets or debris in the crucible.
4. Turn unit on and press and hold the Smoke (Prime) button until “P” is displayed on screen. This will put grill
in “prime mode,” which will rotate auger continuously until the Smoke (Prime) button is pressed again.
If auger does not rotate, check connection to controller. Reference “Controller Access/Replacement” instructions.
6. Repeat check after securing connection. If auger still does not work, reference “Auger Access/Auger Tube
Cleaning” instructions to ensure the auger is not jammed.
7. Repeat check after cleaning. If auger still does not work, contact SmokeHollow®.
Fig. 4
1. Turn off grill and allow to cool to touch.
2. Unplug from wall.
3. Remove pellets from hopper.
4. Remove four screws holding pellet hopper to auger housing.
Fig. 1
on page 42.
5. Disconnect intake fan from controller. Reference
Fig. 2
page 42.
Tie a piece of string to old plug at this step. This will make
feeding new element plug thru housing easier in future steps.
6. Remove four screws that mount intake fan to auger housing.
7. Tie string to new intake fan plug and pull plug thru housing.
8. Untie string and discard.
9. Connect new intake fan plug to controller.
10. Install new intake fan on auger housing and tighten mounting screws.
11. Install pellet hopper on auger housing.
Installation is complete.
1. Turn off grill and allow to cool to touch.
2. Turn unit on and then off. Do not unplug unit.
• This will put grill in shutdown mode which will run intake fan for approx. 5 minutes.
3. If you cannot hear or see fan running underneath pellet hopper, check connection to controller.
Reference “Controller Access / Replacement” instructions.
4. Repeat check after securing connection. If fan still does not work, contact SmokeHollow® for replacement.