To help you develop an understanding of the smoke program, we have defined each setting below. In addition, here
are some key points to explain how this program works, and can be used, to master your pellet smoking experience.
• The main reason for changing the SP setting is to adapt to your outside climate.
• Pellets will only produce heavy smoke when they are initially heated.
• The SP settings (SP 0 - SP 9) specify the auger cycle time during the smoke cycle. Based on our
testing, we have programmed your grill to default to SP 4 for optimum smoke in most climates.
• In a colder climate, the crucible will cool too much, causing the pellets from the previous cycle to completely
extinguish before igniting the fresh pellets. You need to decrease your SP setting for more smoke.
• In a hotter climate, the crucible will not cool enough, allowing the fresh pellets to ignite quickly.
Therefore, minimal or no smoke is produced. You need to increase your SP setting for more smoke.
SP Setting Table:
SP 0:
Moves the pellets to the crucible for 15 seconds, then the auger rests for
SP 1:
Moves the pellets to the crucible for 15 seconds, then the auger rests for
SP 2:
Moves the pellets to the crucible for 15 seconds, then the auger rests for
SP 3:
Moves the pellets to the crucible for 15 seconds, then the auger rests for
SP 4:
Moves the pellets to the crucible for 15 seconds, then the auger rests for
seconds. (Default)
SP 5:
Moves the pellets to the crucible for 15 seconds, then the auger rests for
SP 6:
Moves the pellets to the crucible for 15 seconds, then the auger rests for
SP 7:
Moves the pellets to the crucible for 15 seconds, then the auger rests for
SP 8:
Moves the pellets to the crucible for 15 seconds, then the auger rests for
SP 9:
Moves the pellets to the crucible for 15 seconds, then the auger rests for
To change the SP (smoke program) setting:
1. Press the smoke button. You should see the letter “S” on the display screen.
2. Press the temperature button. Using the up and down arrows change the SP setting.
3. Press the temperature button again. You have successfully changed the smoke program.
Pellet Grill Operation -Read & Follow Instructions Carefully
1. Clean your grill after each use. Make sure the unit is cool prior to cleaning and storing.
2. Remove and wash racks, water tray, grease tray and grease deflector with mild dish detergent.
3. Remove ash from ash tray.
Ash Disposal: Place ashes in a metal container with a tight-fitting lid on a noncombustible surface,
away from any combustible materials. Ashes should remain in closed container until all cinders are cool.
Ashes can then be discarded by covering with soil or otherwise locally dispersed.
5. We recommend removing the pellets from the grill prior to storing as they are susceptible to
moisture. If pellets are exposed to moisture they will expand, making components difficult to clean.
To remove pellets from the hopper:
• Place a bucket under the hopper cleanout door.
• Rotate knob on cleanout door and pull. This will allow pellets to fall out of the hopper.
To remove pellets from the auger:
• Turn the unit on. Press and hold the smoke button until the letter “P” appears on the display
screen. This will move any remaining pellets from the auger to the crucible.
6. To clean the interior, exterior and door seal of the grill, simply wipe down with a damp cloth to
keep unit in proper working condition. Do not use a cleaning agent and make sure to dry thoroughly.
7. After cleaning, store grill in a dry, covered area. Store only when grill is unplugged and all surfaces
are cold. When not in frequent use, and when using a cover, check your grill periodically to avoid
possible rust and corrosion due to moisture buildup.
To clean the crucible:
• Turn off the grill and allow to cool.
• Rotate handle on the front of grill and release. (Handle will spring back to closed position)
This will dump ash and waste pellets into ash cup.
• Reach under grill, twist ash cup to unlock and then lower the cup from grill. Dump waste.
• Reinstall ash cup ensuring to rotate cup back to locked position.
Cleaning and Storing Instructions