High Pressure
Pump Stopped
Air in line detected
Pump will not run
NEXT to silence
Delivery Stopped
(Model 6101 only)
Alarms and Messages
When you see:
Take this action:
There is air in the tubing or the
tubing is not threaded through
the air detector. Press
stop the alarm. Then follow your
clinician’s instructions for priming.
Fluid is not flowing from the
fluid container to the pump.
Check for a kink, a closed clamp,
or an air bubble in the tubing
between the fluid container and
pump. Press
to stop the
pump and silence the alarm for
2 minutes, then remove the
obstruction and press
restart the pump.
There may be a kink in the
tubing or a clamp may be
closed. Unkink the tubing or
open the clamp and the pump
will resume delivery. You may
to stop the pump
and silence the alarm for 2
minutes. After you remove the
cause of high pressure, start the
pump if necessary. If the alarm
continues, contact your clinician.