- 51 -
Operation not completed
/ Operation continue
Alarm for “Stroke limit/code:
1-052” is generated.
<Procedure of restart>
Input the “RESET” signal.
Moving distance exceeds the
“)” / “Stroke(-).
(Stroke end etc.)
Check the value of the “Position”
of step data and the value of the
“)” / “Stroke(-)” of the
basic parameter.
/See 3.3 Step data setting on p.20-30
3.4 Parameter setting on p.31-34
/Refer to the LEC controller
operation manual.
1) For the pushing operation, the
position, target start-pushing
position, is not set correctly.
Check the step data.
/See 3.3 Step data setting on p.20-30
Alarm for “Pushing ALM
/code: 1-096” is generated.
<Procedure of restart>
Input the “RESET” signal.
2) It was not the intended origin
position because the actuator
pinched the work-piece during
the“return to origin”.
Remove the work-piece and
restart the return to the intended
origin position.
1) If the power supply is an
“inrush-current restraining
type”, the alarm may be
generated due to voltage drop.
Replace the power supply with a
non “inrush-current restraining
type” power supply.
/Refer to the LEC controller
operation manual.
Operation is not completed
/ Operation continue
Alarm for “Over motor Vol
/code: 1-145” is generated.
<Procedure of restart>
Controller version /SV1.0 or later
1. Input the “reset signal.”
“SVRE”: Automatically ON
Controller version /SV0.6* or before
1. Input the “reset signal.”
“SVRE”: Automatically ON
2. Input the “setup signal.”
Restart operation after the
completion of the”retun to
2) The Power supply does not
have sufficient capacity.
Check the power consumption for
each actuator and controller:
If necessary replace the existing
power supply with a power supply
with sufficient capacity.
/See 2.1 Specifications on p.9-12
Label position
for controller version
Position : Bottom