1. Operation manual
Do not install the products unless the safety insturctions have been read and understood.
Keep this operation manual on file for future reference.
1. Maintenance space
When installing the products, allow space for maintenance.
1. Preparation for wiring
Shut off the power before wiring (including insertion and removal of connectors). Mount a
protective cover on the terminal block after wiring.
2. Check the power
Make sure the power has sufficient capacity and voltages are within the specified range before
3. Grounding
Ground terminal block F.G. (Frame Ground). Do not ground it with devices generating strong
electromagnetic noise.
4. Separation of signal wires from power wire
Avoid common or parallel wiring of signal and power wires to prevent malfunction due to noise.
5. Check wiring
Incorrect wiring may cause damage or malfunction of the products. Make sure the wiring is
correct before operation.
6. Wiring arrangement and fixation
Avoid bending cables sharply at connector part or electrical entry in wiring arrangement.
Inproper arrangement may cause disconnection which in turn causes malfunction. Fix cables
close enough not to give excessive force to the connector.
Operating and Storage Environments
1. Envionments to avoid
Avoid using or storing the products in the following environments which may cause failures.
If the products need to be used or stored in those environments, take necessary measures.