5. Arch stabiliser
Place the
arch stabilisers VPGDGL between the bottom arches LP525 and hook them behind the screw.
The shortest arch stabilisers are placed at the filler panels.
For narrow barrel vaults with up to a 5 m span:
Always place an arch stabiliser VPGDGL at the location
of the first two sheets; seen from the end pieces. In this
way, the barrel vault will have a total of eight arch holders.
6. Multi-walled polycarbonate panel 25 mm
Remove the protective film from both sides of PC panel SPC25X6, just before assembly and place the multi-
25 mm PC panel with the UV side facing upwards.
There are three types of PC panels 25 mm X6:
- full panel widths (1050 mm), cut to size
- narrower panel widths (< 1050 mm), cut to size filler panels)
- end piece retainer sheets, cut to size exactly and accurately (in accordance with the barrel vault arc of circle) -
see page 12 ‘End piece retainer sheet’
First push the PC panel 25 mm (with the UV side facing outwards) in the finishing profile LP025. Do this at both
ends of the panel. Centre the finishing profile with respect to the panel.
For wider barrel vaults with a span > 5 m:
Always place an arch stabiliser VPGDGL between all
bottom arches LP525; and do this on both sides of the
barrel vault.