Chapter 4: Using the DVD Station 21
Click on the DVD tab to display the DVD Station’s DVD settings.
Rating Control
Some DVD movie titles support a voluntary movie rating system.
With a rated title, this feature allows you to play an edited version of
the movie, with violent and other objectionable scenes removed. For
instance, a title may come with R, PG-13, and PG-rated versions of
the same movie.
When DVD Station is first installed, the password box is grayed out.
To enable this feature, check the Set box and enter a password. Enter
a password of your choice into the New box and again in the Confirm
box. Click on Apply to enable the password.
Default Language
Most DVD movies support multi-lingual audio. You may select the
default language of your choice under the Default Language selec-
tion. If the chosen default language is not available on that DVD
movie title, DVD Station will use the default language on that partic-
ular DVD movie disc, which may differ depending on the origin of
the disc.
Figure 14. DVD Settings
Important Note: This feature has no effect on titles that do not sup-
port the Parental Lockout feature. Most DVD movie titles do not use
this voluntary rating system. You cannot rely upon this feature to pre-
vent your children from viewing objectionable titles. The only way to
prevent children from playing such movies is to physically keep those
movies out of reach of children.
Note: You must restart the movie after changing the Default Language
in order for it to take effect.
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