Chapter 4: Using the DVD Station
Clicking the Options Dialog button brings up the DVD
Station Options window (Figure 12).
Play List
The Play List feature allows you to create a list of your favorite
MPEG clips for the DVD Station’s Play List mode. In Figure 12,
drive D: is the DVD-ROM and drive E: is the CD-ROM. Since the
DVD/MPEG-2 Playback Card is capable of playing both MPEG-1
and MPEG-2 files, you may choose to play MPEG-1 and MPEG-2
files from the CD-ROM drive or from your hard disk drive.
The Title List window displays the filenames of MPEG clips DVD
Station was able to locate on the hard disk, DVD-ROM, or CD-ROM
drive. The Play List window displays the clips that are currently on
the Play List.
Figure 12. Options Dialog
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