Remove the weights, wing sheeting and top spar from the wing structure. Slip the
previously made female wing tube receptacle in place through W-1A and W-2,
leaving 1/8" exposed at the outer face of W-1A - do not glue in place yet. From
the contents of your kit, locate the ten (10) pieces of 3/32"x1-3/4"x4" shear web
stock. Note that the distance between the rib stations W-7/W-6 and W-6/W-5 are
both greater than 4 . This requires that you glue two of the 4" shear webs together
to create a single 8" length. This 8" length is then trimmed to fit between ribs W-
7/W-6. The left over trimmed shear web piece is then glued to another 4" length
and trimmed to fit between ribs W-6/W-5. The remaining shear web requirements
are each less than 4" and no further grafting is required.
Beginning at the W-7/W-6 location, cut and fit a vertical grain shear web to fit
exactly between the top and bottom spars and between each rib. Note that the
shear webs are aligned with the front edges of the spars. Once satisfied with the
fit, glue the shear web in place to the bottom spar and the ribs, aligned with the
top spar location. Move to the W-6/W-5 location and fit and glue the next shear
web in place. Repeat this procedure - including the aileron servo bay area
between the W-4 and W-3 ribs - up to and in contact with the ply cap on the end
of the female wing tube. When all shear webs are in place, remove the female
wing tube for later installation.
Glue the top laminated spar in place into each rib and onto the top edges of the
vertical grain shear webs. Use a straight edge and weights to make sure the spar
is in place straight and flat.
Use a long straightedge to true the edges of a piece of the 1/16"x4"x24" balsa sheet, provided in your kit. With the edges
straight, cut and fit the leading edge sheeting in place. Note that the rear edge of this sheet is trimmed to fit halfway across
the 1/4" top spar, leaving the rear exposed by 1/8". This exposed spar provides gluing surface for the center sheeting and
the cap strips. We have found the easiest way to glue the leading edge sheeting in place is to do it in two steps;
Start with the leading edge glue joint, where it mates to the top rear face of the 3/8 leading edge. Apply a bead of
glue along the entire length of the sheeting, on its front edge only. Fit the sheeting in place to the top rear face of the
3/8 leading edge stock while holding it up at about a 45 deg. angle. Spray this glue joint with accelerator.
Now apply a bead of glue to each rib, from their leading edges back to the spar location. Then apply another bead of
glue along the entire front half edge of the top spar. Uniformly press the sheeting down across the ribs and onto the
spar (a long metal straightedge is perfect here). Use a straightedge and weight to hold the sheeting flat to the spar
and spray the whole thing with accelerator.
BUILDERS TIP: Whenever applying glue to a long length of wood which must rest on top of another piece of wood - such
as wing sheeting on top of a spar - it is important to minimize or eliminate glue oozing from the joint. Keep several pieces
of scrap balsa wood handy to scrape along the glue joint, thereby removing most or all of the excess glue.
With the wing panel(s) still firmly in place on your building surface, the 1/4" sq. balsa trailing edge now needs to be beveled
slightly to conform to the top rear curvature of the ribs. This is most easily handled with a long T-bar sander and 80 grit
Locate the 1/16"x1-1/2"x24" trailing edge sheet stock from your kit box. Use a long straightedge to slice both 24 edges
perfectly straight. Lay the sheet in place on the wing panel with its rear edge lined up with the rear edge of the 1/4" sq.
trailing edge. Hold it in place and mark its forward edge location onto the top of each rib with a pencil. Remove the sheet
and apply a bead of glue to each rib from the mark just made back to the trailing edge. Add a bead of glue along the entire
top surface of the trailing edge. Carefully position the trailing edge sheet back in place and secure with pins or weights.