Stick Balsa
7 1/4" Sq. x24" Wing Spars & Turtle
Deck Spine
4 1/4" Sq. x11" Wing Spar
4 1/16"x1/4"x36" Cap Strip
2 1/8"x1/4"x36" Fuselage
Stringer Stock
1 1/4"x1/2"x12" Vertical Fin Tailpost
1 3/16" Sq. x24" Hatch Locating
1 3/16"x1/4"x24" Hatch Sides
Special Cut Balsa
2 3/8"x3/8"x24" Quarter Round
Leading Edge
1 1/2"x12" Triangle Stock -
Landing Gear & Firewall Support
2 3/4"x6" Fuselage/Fin Filler
Blocks - Diagonal Cut
10 3/32"x4"x1-3/4" Vertical Grain
Wing Shear Web Stock
2 5/16" Dia. x1" Dowel Center Drilled
Hardpoint Stock, 1/8" I.D.
1 1/8" Dia. x1" Dowel Rear Hatch
1 3/16" Dia. x6" Dowel Rear
Wing Root Locator
Wire Parts
1 1/8" Dia. Steel Wire Pre-Formed
Elevator Joiner
1 1/16" Dia. Steel Wire Pre-
Formed Tailwheel Wire
10 2-56 x10" Steel Wire Threaded
One End Control Rods
1 .065 Dia. x18" Cable Braided
Throttle Cable
Molded Parts
1 Set of Plastic Wheel Pants (2 rights,
2 lefts) SIGSH378
1 Nylon Throttle Cable Tube -
1/8"O.D. x18"
3 Nylon Antenna, Rudder &
Elevator Pushrod Tubes -
1/8"O.D. x30"
2 Nylon Rudder & Elevator
Pushrod Housing Tubes -
19/64"O.D. x30"
2 Nylon Control Horn - Rudder &
Elevator - Medium, Right
1 Nylon Control Horn - Aileron -
Small, Right
1 Nylon Control Horn - Aileron -
Small, Left
1 4-40 x1" Nylon Bolt - Forward
Hatch Hold-Down
1 Set of .40 Motor Mounts - SIGEM001 5 Nylon 2-56 RC Links - Rudder &
Elevator (2), Ailerons (2) &
Throttle (1)
1 .040 Clear Plastic Canopy
9 2-56 Solder Links - Tail Supports
(4), Ailerons (2), Rudder & Elevator
(2), Throttle (1)
4 2-56 Threaded Metal Clevises -
Tail Supports
1 2-56 x3/4" Threaded Brass
Coupler - Throttle Linkage
4 2-56 x3/8" Round Head Bolt -
Tail Support Attach
4 2-56 Hex Nut - Tail Support Attach
1 2-56 Blind Mounting Nut - Tail
Support Attach
4 4-40 x3/8" Round Head Bolts -
Wheel Pant Attach
5 4-40 Blind Mounting Nuts -
Wheel Pant & Forward Hatch
2 J-Hooks, Threaded - Wing Attach
3 6-32 x1/2" Round Head Bolts -
Landing Gear Attach
4 6-32 x3/4" Round Head Bolts -
Motor Mount Attach
2 6-32 x1-1/2" Round Head Bolt
- Wheel Axles
4 6-32 Lock Nuts - Wheel Axle
2 6-32 Hex Nuts - Wheel Axle
7 6-32 Blind Mounting Nuts -
Landing Gear & Motor Mount
8 #2 x1/2" Pan Head Screws -
Control Horn Attach
6 #6 Metal Washers - Wheel Axle
1 Piece of 1"x8" Fiberglass Tape
18 SIG Easy Hinges - Ailerons (8),
Elevators (6), Rudder (4)
Miscellaneous Parts
1 7/8 O.D. x15-1/4" Aluminum Tube -
Wing Joiner
1 .880 I.D. x16" Phenolic
Impregnated Tube - Female
Wing Tube Receptacle
1 .092 Formed Aluminum
Landing Gear
2 8-1/2 x9-3/4" Plain White
Paper - Aileron Servo Lead
Tube Material
1 Decal Sheet
1 Set of 38"x50" Plan Set - Sheet
1 of 2 & Sheet 2 of 2
1 Instruction Manual
About The Building Sequence
The construction sequence provided in this manual has been designed to provide the finished components (wing panels, tail
group, etc.) in the order that they will be needed to progress to the following steps. We understand that the quickest and most
efficient method of putting a kit together is to usually work on several pieces at the same time. However, we have found that by
using CA glue and accelerator and following these instructions, the builder can literally continue building for as long as he or she
wants, without having to wait for anything! These instructions assume that the builder is following the sequence provided. It is
therefore recommended that you follow the order of construction presented here to avoid later confusion. We suggest that you
take the time to read through these instructions, with the plans in front of you, to familiarize yourself with the general layout of
the model itself, it's individual parts and the way in which the model is assembled.
Before Beginning Construction
Any references to right or left refer to your right or left, as if you were facing forward in the cockpit.
To build this or any good flying model, you must have a truly flat building board with adequate size for this model. Models that
are not built true simply will not perform as intended. Your building board can be a table, an old cored door, a workbench, etc.
Whatever you choose for a work surface, it must be flat and true.