The fuselage doublers are now glued to the fuselage sides to create a LEFT side
and a RIGHT side. This step is important because several components must be
carefully aligned. Therefore, we suggest that you use a slower setting glue, such
as an aliphatic resin like the SIG-Bond product. Using this glue gives plenty of
time to position parts correctly. Start by fitting these parts together to see how
they relate to each other - again make sure you are working with a LEFT and
RIGHT fuselage side and doubler. Note that both the doublers and the fuselage
sides have holes in them to accommodate the female wing tube - this is the
forward positioning locator for the doubler. The rear locator is the 3/16" dia. hole
in both parts which accepts the 3/16" dia. rear wing locator dowel. The easiest
and most accurate way to position and glue the fuselage doublers in place is to
use one end of the remaining 4" length of female receptacle tube to position the
doubler to its fuselage side. Then use one end of the 3/16" dia. dowel to position
the rear of the doubler to the fuselage side. Once the doubler is in place against
the fuselage side, pin or weight it in place, remove the tube and dowel and allow
the assemblies to dry.
Start with either the right or left fuselage side and glue firewall F-1 in place, using
a 90 deg. triangle to position it exactly upright to the fuselage side. Use the same
technique to glue formers F-2 and F-4 in place.
NOTE: Former F-2 has a laser cut hole on one of its sides to accept the throttle
cable housing tube. F-2 can be installed with this hole on either the right or left
side, depending upon which side the carburetor throttle lever is located on your
engine. Check this first before installing F-2.
Before gluing the 1/8" ply servo tray in place, take a moment to make sure your
servos fit into the laser cut openings provided. With the servo tray not yet
installed, it is easy to adjust these openings as required and to drill the required
holes for mounting them to the tray. Once the tray is ready, glue it in place to the
fuselage side - just above the 3/16" dia. rear wing locator dowel hole and to F-4,
engaging the rear tab on the servo tray in the top cut-out in F-4.
IMPORTANT: With both fuselage sides properly in place, the rear 3/16" dia. holes for the wing root locating dowel, on
each side of the fuselage, must be clear. Later, when this dowel is installed, it must pass through these two holes and fit
directly beneath the servo tray, as shown on the plans. If you see any interference from the servo tray, DO NOT adjust the
holes, adjust the servo tray if required.
With the exception of the 1/8" tank floor, all parts are now in place to accept the opposite fuselage side. Trial fit the
fuselage side in place, engaging F-1, F-2, the servo tray and F-4 in their respective slots. The fuselage side should fit
perfectly without any need for trimming. Remove the fuselage side, apply glue to the mating edges of the above parts and
fit the fuselage side back in place, using weights or pins to hold it perfectly flat. Apply accelerator to the glue joints.
Glue the 1/8" ply forward hatch mount in place, between the fuselage sides and against the upper rear face of F-2 (the 4-
40 blind nut should be underneath the hatch mount, as shown on the plans). On the bottom of the fuselage, glue the 1/4"
ply landing gear mount in place, between the fuselage sides and against the rear bottom edge of F-2, with the 6-32 blind
nuts on the inside of the fuselage as shown.
Use the 12" length of 1/2" balsa triangle stock provided in your kit to cut two (2) 3-
1/4" lengths to fit directly behind the firewall, at each corner where it meets the
fuselage sides. Position each piece and press them firmly against the blind nuts
to leave an impression. Use a hobby knife to cut shallow half-round reliefs in
each piece to clear the nuts. Glue these in place, keeping glue away from the
nuts. Use the remaining triangle stock to cut, fit and glue a piece to fit on the top
front edge of the landing gear mount, against the bottom rear of F-2, as shown on
the plans.