Using the fiberglass tape provide in your kit, cut four 1/2"x3/4" pieces. These are glued in place over the rudder and
elevator control horn holes with thin CA glue. Next, cut two pieces of fiberglass tape to fold over each of the elevator/joiner
wire joints, as shown on the plans, again using thin CA glue. Last, cut a piece of fiberglass tape to fit over the tailwheel
wire/rudder location, as shown on the plans. Affix in place with thin CA glue.
As shown on the plans, the fin and rudder will be hinged with four (4) hinges and the stab and elevators will be hinged with
a total of six (6) hinges - three per side. Using the plans, mark the hinge locations onto each part with a pencil. Use a #11
blade and your hobby knife to cut hinge slots into each hinge location. These must be at least 1/2" deep and wide enough
to accept the Easy Hinges provided in your kit. Each time you complete a hinge slot, trial fit a hinge in place to assure a
good fit. When all slots are cut, trial fit the fin and rudder together. Do the same with the stab and elevators. Set the hinges
aside for use after the parts are covered.
With the exception of notching the fin tailpost for clearance of the elevator joiner - done during fuselage construction - the
tail group should now be complete, sanded and ready for assembly during the construction of the fuselage.
Before starting fuselage construction, there are several subassemblies that should be built and set aside until needed. This
is done to avoid interrupting the sequential flow of the fuselage construction. These preliminary subassemblies involve the
1/4" plywood F-1 Firewall, the 1/4" ply Landing Gear Mount and the 1/8 ' ply Forward Hatch Mount. In addition you will also
need the following hardware provided in your kit; seven (7) 6-32 blind mounting nuts, four (4) 6-32 x3/4" round head
slotted bolts, one (1) 4-40 blind mounting nut and two (2) glass-filled engine mounts. You will also need the engine you
plan to use available to you for the following steps:
a. Use the laser cut vertical and horizontal centerline reference marks at the
edges of the F-1 firewall to draw a vertical centerline and horizontal thrust
line onto the fire wall.
b. Determine the required spacing between the two engine mounts to fit
your particular engine. Use a pencil to mark that spacing onto the face of
the firewall. (Example: If the width of your engine s case is 1-3/8", then
divide that figure in half (11/16" ) and mark the face of the firewall with the
11/16" measurement on each side of the vertical centerline. Use a
triangle to draw two parallel lines, one at each 11/16" point, thus giving
you the centered location for each motor mount arm.
c. To temporarily hold it in place, apply a drop or two of CA glue to the back
of one of the motor mounts and place it onto the firewall, lining up its inside edge to the line drawn in b. above and
the laser cut top and bottom bolt holes. Insert the bolts into the holes in the front of the mount arm and through the
firewall. Thread the blind nuts partially onto the ends of the bolts at the back of the firewall. Carefully apply thick CA
to the outer surface of the blind nuts and use a screwdriver to tighten the bolts, thus drawing the nuts firmly into the
back surface of the firewall. Repeat this process for the remaining motor mount arm.
Place your engine onto the two motor mount arms, still bolted to the firewall. Hold this assembly over the plans to
determine the mounting position of your engine, allowing the prop/spinner to clear the fuselage sides at the nose. Mark this
position on the motor mount arms. Holding your engine in place on the mounts, use a pencil to mark the locations of the
four required engine mounting holes onto the mount arms. Remove your engine. Use a power drill with a 9/64" dia. drill bit
to now drill the four bolt holes through the motor mounts at 90 deg. Your engine can now be mounted in place when the
time comes. Remove the bolts and motor mounts from the firewall.
Apply thick CA glue to the outer surface of one of the 6-32 blind mounting nuts
and position it in place into one of the holes in the 1/4" ply landing gear mount.
Use a hammer to lightly tap the blind nut in place into the wood. Repeat this step
for the remaining two blind nuts. Set the mount aside for later assembly.
Apply thick CA glue to the outer surface of the 4-40 blind mounting nut and
position it in place into the hole in the center of the 1/8" ply forward hatch mount.
Use a hammer to lightly tap the nut into the wood. Set the mount aside for later
assembly. This completes the fuselage subassemblies.