IMPORTANT: Note that with the bottom sheeting not in place, the wing panels are not yet rigid and may be easily twisted.
Once the bottom sheeting is in place, the panels are essentially locked in shape. Therefore, it is very important to properly
support the wing panels during this step. We suggest using a length of wood at least 24" long and 1" wide to slip under the
trailing edge of the panel, raising the trailing edge about 1" off your work surface. Using this fixture, the wing panel should
be laying flat over the top spar location, supported at the trailing edge. Be sure that the 1" wide piece of wood is in full
contact with the full span of the wing panel. This will avoid sheeting induced warping. Once the wing is in the correct
position, use pins or weights to hold it firmly in place to the work surface and the 1" stand-off.
Using the 1/16"x4"x24" balsa in your kit, the bottom leading edge sheeting is now cut to fit and glued in place exactly as
the top leading edge sheeting was in Step 8. Using the 1/16"x1-1/2"x24" balsa in your kit, the trailing edge sheet is now cut
to fit and glued in place as it was in Step 10. Last, the center section sheeting, using the two remaining pieces of
1/16"x6"x8" balsa sheet, made earlier in Step 11, are cut to fit and glued in place in each wing panel.
Unlike the cap strips over the W-3 and W-4 ribs on the top of the wings, the
bottoms must take into account the aileron servo bays and access to them. As
shown on the plans, we simply used two (2) 1-5/16" lengths of the 1/16"x1/4"x36"
balsa stock provided, to create a forward and rear servo bay opening on the
bottoms of these two ribs. Once these two pieces are glued in place, simply cut,
fit and glue the remaining cap strip material to cover the W-3 and W-4 rib
bottoms, including the spaces between the servo bay cross pieces. The
remaining exposed ribs are now covered with cap strips, exactly like the top of
the wing panels.
Remove the wing panels from your work surface and use a sanding block to smooth the outer surfaces of the W-7 ribs.
Glue the WT tip cover rib in place to W-7, aligning its edges carefully to the contours of the wing. Sand the face of W-1A
smooth, avoiding contact with the two exposed tube ends. Trial fit the ply W-1 rib in place to W-1A. NOTE: When the W-1
rib is in place, with the female wing receptacle tube inserted into its corresponding hole, the rear 3/16" dia. wing locating
dowel holes (in both W-1 and W-1A) will line up exactly. Use the 3/16 dia. dowel in your parts bag as a temporary fixture to
maintain this relationship while gluing W-1 in place to W-1A and remove it when W-1 is attached. Glue W-1 in place,
making sure it is flat against W-1A and firmly in place. Wipe off any excess glue.
As in Step 13, sand the bottom surfaces of the wing panels smooth, using a long T-bar sander and 80 grit sandpaper. Use
compressed air and/or a tack rag to remove all dust particles from the wing panels and closely inspect them. Use a good
quality, lightweight wood filler - such as "Model Magic" - to fill any nicks, dings or small voids. Finally, use your long T-bar
sander and 220 grit sandpaper to lightly sand the wing panels smooth.
Locate the two threaded metal J-Hooks from the hardware in your kit. As shown
on the plans, one of these hooks is screwed into each wing panel, at the root, just
forward of the wing tube joiner location - the W-1 ribs each have a laser cut guide
hole for these hooks. When the model is finished, the wing panels will be held in
place to the fuselage by a single #64 rubber band, stretched between these two
hooks. It is therefore important that the hooks be free of any burrs which might
nick or cut the rubber band. Use a "Dremel" Tool and a carbide cut-off wheel to
smooth the hook ends of each J-hook, eliminating any burrs. Thread the J-hooks
into the W-1 root ribs, leaving about 9/16" exposed, with the open end of the hook
facing forward. Leave the hooks in the wing panels for now but do not glue or
permanently attach them yet.
The following instructions assume that both the left and right ailerons are built at
the same time.
From the laser cut parts in your kit, locate aileron parts A-1, A-2, A-3, and A-4 -
two each of all four parts are required. Cover the plans with wax paper and lay
aileron leading edge part A-2 in place - pin or weight securely. Glue aileron
trailing edge part A-1 in place to A-2. Glue aileron root cap A-3 in place, followed
by aileron tip A-4.