Remove the 1/4"x1/2" spacer from the rear of the fuselage. The Fuselage Bottom
part FB-3 is now glued in place. First feed the nylon antenna tube through the
slot in the rear of the part. Fit FB-3 in place, securing it firmly to the fuselage
sides with tape. Use thin CA glue with an applicator extension to glue FB-3 in
place, from the inside of the fuselage. Also apply glue to the bottom edges of the
F-4 through F-7 formers, where they contact FB-3.
Turn the fuselage upright and from the inside, apply glue to the antenna tube
exit. Turn the fuselage over and use a sharp single edge razor blade to trim the
excess antenna tube flush with the bottom surface of FB-3. Use a sanding block
to sand this antenna exit location smooth. We would suggest using a little light
weight filler to fill this area.
The outer elevator and rudder pushrod tubes are now installed. As shown on the
plans, these nylon tubes fit through all the formers, from F-4 back through F-7,
through the holes provided in each former. Also note that these two pushrod
tubes cross each other between F-6 and F-7. As a result, the elevator pushrod,
driven by the elevator servo mounted on the left side of the tray, exits the right
side of the fuselage, through the upper exit slot. Likewise, the rudder servo is
mounted on the right side of the servo tray, with the rudder pushrod exiting the
left side of the fuselage through the lower exit slot.
Also note that only about 3/32" of tubing protrudes through the front of F-4. Use 220 grit sandpaper to scuff the outer
surface of the pushrod housing tubes. Feed each tube through the appropriate holes in the formers and out the correct
upper and lower exit slots at the rear of the fuselage. Glue the tubes in place to each former and exit slot. Trim the excess
tubing flush with the fuselage sides at the exit slots with a single edge razor blade. Lightly sand the exits smooth with a
sanding block. Use light weight filler to fill any voids at the exit slots.
Glue the Fuselage Top Rear sheet (FTR) in place from the top rear face of F-4 to
the front face of F-7. This is easy to do by first fitting FTR securely in place to the
fuselage and using thin CA glue with a thin applicator extension, applying the
glue from the inside of the fuselage. Glue the Fuselage Stab Mount (FSM) in
place behind F-7, into the fuselage sides. Lightly sand the top surfaces of these
parts smooth with a small sanding block.
Glue Fuselage Bottom part FB-2 in place beneath the tank compartment and
then glue the forward Fuselage Bottom part FB-1 in place. Use your sanding
block to lightly sand the bottom of the fuselage smooth.
The engine throttle cable tube should now be installed. Locate the 1/8" O.D. x18"
length of nylon tube from your kit contents. As shown on the plans, drill a 1/8"
dia. hole through the F-1 firewall, lined up with your engine s throttle arm. The
1/8" nylon tube passes through the firewall and through the laser cut hole in F-2,
where it terminates at the throttle servo location, lined up at the same level as the
servo output arm. Later, you will install the throttle cable into this tubing. Before
slipping the tube in place, scuff the surface with 220 grit sandpaper, install it and
glue in place with thick CA. Trim the excess tubing in front of F-1.
Before closing the tank compartment with the top tank sheet, we suggest that
you first make some preparations for installing your fuel tank:
The fuel tank shown on the plans and used in our prototypes is a standard 8
ounce Du-Bro tank. This tank is installed through the top canopy hatch opening,
through F-2 and onto the tank floor. The laser cut oblong hole in the F-1 firewall
is there to allow two fuel lines to pass through (one line to the carburetor and the
other to the pressure nipple on the muffler). This is a simple 2-line system
allowing the model to be fueled through the carburetor line with the overflow on
the pressure line. Some builders may be tempted to create a removable tank
hatch directly over the tank for easy access. In the interest of lightness and
structural integrity, we suggest that you do not do this. Realistically, the tank only
needs to be inserted once so constant access is not a real issue.