Access to the tank is easy if you use filament strapping tape to create a rear tab that allows you to grasp it and pull the
tank out if needed. To do this, use alcohol to first clean the outside of the tank. Then wrap the length of the tank one or two
times with strapping tape. Then wrap a third time, folding a 1-1/2" - 2" tab at the rear. The tab gives you a nice grip on the
tank in order to easily pull it out.
The tank compartment in this design is large, leaving space between the fuselage
sides and the tank when it is in place. Since the tank must be held firmly in place,
you need to address this requirement now, while you have access to the
compartment. We use a very easy and virtually weightless method to accomplish
this task. We first cut two (2) 2"x5" pieces of 1/2" thick open cell foam rubber (the
light kind, used for furniture padding, packing material, etc.). We sprayed one
side of each of these foam rectangles with 3M 77" Spray Cement and adhered
them to each fuselage side, inside the tank compartment. When the fuel tank is
installed, simply push the tank into the compartment and it will be firmly held in
place between these two foam pads.
With the fuel tank and throttle tube considerations addressed, the laser cut top tank sheet can now be glued in place. This
sheet ends at the rear face of F-2 and extends forward over F-1 onto the fuselage sides. Trial fit this sheet in place. Sand
its edges to bevel them, allowing them to fit to the fuselage sides, without gaps. Once you are satisfied with the fit, glue the
sheet in place, using masking tape to hold it firmly. When the glue has set, sand the rear edge of the sheet smooth with
the face of F-2 with a small sanding block.
Locate the 1/8" ply hatch base and the 3/16" sq. x24" balsa hatch rail stock from
your kit contents. As shown, the hatch base has two 3/16" sq. locating rails glued
to its bottom side, locating it to each fuselage side. Start by cutting two (2) 11-
3/16" lengths of 3/16" sq. balsa stock. To position these accurately, fit one piece
into the fuselage just behind the forward hatch mount and in front of F-4. Use a
scrap piece of 1/16" balsa to space the rail 1/16" above the fuselage side and
secure it with pins, from the outside of the fuselage.
Take your time and make sure it is uniformly spaced 1/16" above the side of the
fuselage. Repeat this process on the opposite side with the remaining rail. Glue
the ply hatch base onto the tops of each rail, aligning its edges with the fuselage
sides and holding its forward end (with the 5/16" dia. hole in the center) against
the back face of F-2. Use accelerator to set the glue. Remove the pins holding
the rails in place and remove the hatch base.
Using the lite ply canopy angle guide, glue F-4T in place onto the front edge of
FTR (note that the tab on F-4T fits into the slot in the forward edge of FTR). Use
a 90 deg. square to glue top formers F-5T and F-6T in place into their respective
slots in FTR.
Trial fit the top 1/4" sq. balsa spine in place into F-4T, F-5T, F-6T and F-7.
Carefully trim the ends to match the front face of F-4T and the rear face of F-7.
Glue the spine in place. Using the 1/8"x1/4"x36" balsa stock provided, cut, fit and
glue the four (4) remaining side stringers in place into the same formers. Sand
the face of F-4T and F-7 smooth with a small sanding block.
From the parts bag in your kit, locate the 1/8" dia. x1" dowel. Also locate lite ply
formers F-4 Cap (without bottom tab) and the matching Canopy Hatch former
(with tab). Cut the dowel to a length of 1/2", round one end with sandpaper and
set it aside for the moment. Insert the remaining 1/2" length into the hole in F-4
Cap former, to act as a positioning guide. Apply glue to the front face of the F-4T
stringer former and glue the F-4 Cap former in place, using the dowel as a
locator. Remove the dowel.
Install the hatch base onto the top of the fuselage with a strip of wax paper at its rear edge, protecting the F-4 Cap former
from getting glue on it when the Canopy Hatch former is in place. Secure the hatch base to the fuselage with masking
tape. Apply glue to the bottom edge of the former and glue it in place to the back edge of the hatch base, engaging its tab
into the slot. The former should be in full contact against the face of the F-4 Cap. Insert the scrap 1/8 dia. dowel through
the hole in the Canopy Hatch former, F-4 Cap former and F-4T, aligning all three with each other. Use accelerator to set
the glue and remove the dowel.