b. With the tailwheel in place, the rudder can now be hinged to the vertical fin and fuselage. Follow the directions given in the
Tail Supports
The tail support system used on the Somethin Extra provides an added measure of support and rigidity to the stab and fin.
As it does for full scale aerobatic aircraft, this system allows the model to be flown through extremely violent maneuvers
without being concerned with the integrity of the tail group. It is easy to make and looks very nice on this particular model.
We would urge you to include this support system on your model.
From your kit contents, locate and have ready four (4) 2-56 x10" Control Rods
(threaded one end), four (4) Solder Links and four (4) 2-56 clevises. Use the full-
size Cross Section at F-7 drawing on the plans for patterns and cut the two top
support rods (7-3/4" long, each) and the two bottom support rods (6 long, each).
As shown on the plans, both the solder links and the clevises need to be modified
by cutting off the pinned arm of each, leaving only the arms with holes. This is
easily done with a "Dremel Tool" and a carbide cut-off wheel.
Starting with the two upper supports, solder a solder link to the top unthreaded
ends of each of the two rods. Using the plans as a pattern and a pair of pliers,
bend part of the solder links arm to fit flush to the side of the fin, at its hardpoint.
Thread a clevis onto the threaded ends of each rod. As shown on the plans, use
pliers to bend a part of the clevis arm to sit flush to the top of the stab. Use a 2-56
x3/8" bolt and nut, provided in your kit, to temporarily hold the two rods in place to
the fin at the hardpoint - do not tighten yet. Thread the clevises in or out to match
the holes in their arms with the holes in the stab hardpoints.
BUILDERS TIP: For a really nice
look, use a good metal polish, such
as "Simichrome" or "Flitz" to polish
these support wires and solder links
to a high luster, chrome-like finish.
The two lower support arms are made in the same way. The only difference is
that the inboard solder link arms will overlap each other and be attached to the
fuselage with a single 2-56 x3/8" bolt passing through the holes in each link and
into the hardpoint at the bottom rear of the fuselage.
When the support arms are made, they can be mounted in place to the fin,
stabilizer and fuselage bottom. We suggest using a thread lock product on each
of the 2-56 bolts before assembly. Doing this minimizes vibration problems.
Landing Gear And Wheel Pants
The unique landing gear used with the Somethin Extra design looks great when
dressed up with the wheel pants provided in your kit. These wheel pants are not
difficult to assemble, add a great deal to the overall look of the model and work
extremely well on either paved or grass flying fields. Use these steps to produce
a very tough, functional and nice looking landing gear set for your model.
With the exception of the wheel pants, ply wheel pant mount, 4-40 x3/8" bolts and
the 4-40 blind mounting nuts - install your 2-3/4" dia. main wheels to the
aluminum landing gear using the hardware shown in the cross section detail
drawing on the plans and supplied in your kit. When properly mounted, the
wheels will turn freely but will not have excessive side play on the axles.
Locate the left and right sides of each wheel pant. Apply thick CA glue to the
edge of one pant half and glue it to its mate. Do this carefully, matching the sides
as closely as possible. Hold the parts firmly together and spray accelerator on the
joint. Use your "Dremel Tool" and a drum sander to carefully clear out the
molded-in wheel clearance area at the bottom - do not take out too much, it is
better to sneak up on this opening. As you clear these openings, periodically
check the fit by placing the pant over the tire.