Building Technologies
Boiler Sequence Controller RMK770
HVAC Products
3 Commissioning
Here, an outside sensor can be configured. That sensor can be used for both the
heating circuit and the boiler sequence manager.
Digital input for activating the “Special day” function.
Digital input for activating the “Holidays” function.
Here, 4 universal inputs for display purposes can be configured.
The unit of these inputs can be defined at menu item
Input identifier
Main menu > Commissioning > Extra configuration > Input identifier
Operating line
Factory setting
Display input 1
Display input 2
Display input 3
Display input 4
°C / % / g/kg / kJ/kg /
/ m/s / bar / mbar /
Pa / ppm / Universal
000.0 / Universal 0000 /
For resolution, type of sensor, etc., refer to subsection 3.4.7 “Configuration of the
universal inputs and outputs”.
Main menu > Commissioning > Extra configuration > Miscellaneous > Outputs
Operating line
Factory setting
Outside temperature relay
RMK770…, RMZ7…*
* Here, the free outputs are available for selection
Main menu > Commissioning > Extra configuration > Miscellaneous > Business card
Operating line
Factory setting
Business card
No / Yes
For more detailed information, refer to chapter 12 “Function block “Miscellaneous“”.
3.4.6 Faults
Main menu > Commissioning > Extra configuration > Faults > Inputs
Operating line
Factory setting
Fault button external
RMK770…, RMZ7…*
Fault input 1
Fault input 2
Fault input 3
Fault input 4
* Here, the free inputs are available for selection
Main menu > Commissioning > Extra configuration > Faults > Outputs
Operating line
Factory setting
Fault relay 1
RMK770…, RMZ7…*
Fault relay 2
* Here, the free outputs are available for selection
For more detailed information, refer to chapter 13 “Function block “Faults“”.
Configuration of the universal inputs and outputs
The universal inputs can accept digital signals and passive or active analog signals.
The inputs are activated via the basic and the extra configuration. Together with the
activation, the unit is assigned to the relevant input. For this reason, setting the input
identifier is not required with the RMK770 (with the exception of the 4 universal inputs
for display purposes and the 4 fault inputs).
Outside sensor
Special day input
Holidays input
Display inputs 1…4
Outside temperature
Business card