Building Technologies
Boiler Sequence Controller RMK770
HVAC Products
10 Heating circuit control
The basic load is covered by a heating circuit with weather-compensated control and
the load-dependent part by a second heating circuit with or without room influence. The
2 heating circuits shall operate in parallel and be controlled by a common switching
program or a room operating mode selector.
Using the extra function “Room control combination”, 1 of the 2 heating circuits as the
master can preselect the operating mode for the second heating circuit, which is con-
figured as the slave.
If required, the setpoints can also be adopted by the master. This is accomplished with
Slave external setpoint
A heating circuit covers the basic load and a ventilation plant covers the individual load
(heat demand) from the space.
In this application too, a common time switch or common preselected operating modes
may be desirable.
Combination of ventilation and
Using the extra function “Room control combination”, the heating circuit can be oper-
ated as a slave whose room operating mode and time program are predefined by the
ventilation controller. It can be selected whether the setpoints for the heating circuit
shall be adopted externally (to be adjusted on the ventilation controller) or internally (to
be adjusted on the heating controller).
The heating circuit and ventilation must be assigned to the same geographical zone. A
room unit, if present, must also be assigned to the same geographical zone.
The ventilation controller
assumes the function of room control master.
A room unit, if present, always acts on the room control master.
During summer operation (heating circuit switched off via the heating limit), the ventila-
tion controller adopts the sustained mode.
Summer / winter operation changeover is ascertained via the heating limit (refer to
subsection 10.5.4 “Heating limit switch”) and sent to the ventilation controller via bus.
Example with
2 heating circuits
Example ventilation
and heating
Summer operation