5.2.13 DS3 – Decimal Place for Remote Display and ASCII Weight Output
A decimal place can be specified for the Siebert remote display connected and for
ASCII weight output in DS30. As the decimal place cannot be shown in the 16 bit
numerical representation, all weight entries are assumed to have this decimal
For example, if the decimal place is set to 2, the measuring range of 20 kg should
be specified as 2000. In ASCII weight output in DS30, at nominal load the value of
20.00 kg is output. At the same time, the weight value of 2000 is output to the
SIMATIC CPU as the process value.
5.2.14 DS3 – Maximum Negative Weight for Zero Setting
For zero setting, the current weight from the scale is defined as the zero weight.
For zero setting, this specification can be used to limit the effect of the function.
The reference point for the effect of the limitation is not the current gross weight but
the weight that the scale would display without the preceding zero settings (from
time of scale adjustment).
5.2.15 DS3 – Maximum Positive Weight for Zero Setting
For zero setting, the specification can be used to limit the effect of the function. The
reference point for the effect of the limitation is not the current weight but the
weight that the scale would display without the preceding zero settings (from time
of scale adjustment).
5.2.16 DS3 – Tare Max. Weight T-
The SIWAREX MS will accept any external tare specification, which is smaller than
the max. tare weight (percentage of weighing range). The tare commands are also
accepted as long as the current gross weight is still below the tare max. weight that
can be parameterized.
The value is limited to 100% of the maximum weighing range.
5.2.17 DS3 – TTY Protocol Selection
Various remote displays can be connected to the TTY interface. There are two
protocols available:
0 – Protocol for the display S102 by Siebert
1 – ASCII Protocol with the content STX - Weight value - ETX
5.2.18 DS3 – Reserve
The field is currently occupied with the fixed value “----”. Other definitions are not
5.2.19 DS3 – Unit of Measurement
Up to a 4 character string can be used as the unit of measurement e.g.: t, kg, lbs
The defined unit of measurement applies for all weight definitions. When the unit of
measurement is changed, no conversion is performed.