in STEP 7-Micro/Win
8.4 SIWAREX MS in Cyclic Program
SIWAREX MS communicates with the SIMATIC CPU with the help of the
MicroScale library.
The SIWAREX library is on the CD of the configuration package SIWAREX MS for
SIMATIC S7-200 in the S7-200_Software directory.
The project consists of several stations. To continue, select the appropriate station
for your configuration. The MicroScale library is accepted and is called cyclically in
the user program, once for each scale in a program level (e.g. in OB1) and
supplied with call parameters.
Calling the MicroScale library for a scale in the program:
Figure 8-6
Call parameter of the library MicroScale for a scale
Calling the MicroScale library for two scales in the program:
Figure 8-7
Call parameter of the library MicroScale for two scales