ET 200U Distributed I/O Station
EWA 4NEB 812 6087–02b
Modes of the IM 318–C
An IM 318–C slave interface module integrates both the connections for
SINEC L2–DP (DP Standard) and FMS in one interface.
The IM 318–C can be accessed with both the DP Standard and FMS proto-
cols via the same bus cable.
The IM 318–C can be operated in four different modes:
ET 200U(DP Standard)
One DP master is on the bus. The ET 200U(DP Standard) is configured
using COM ET 200.
The DP master reads the inputs and sets the outputs.
ET 200U(FMS)
One FMS master is on the bus. The data of the ET 200U(FMS) are en-
tered in the object list.
The FMS master reads the inputs and sets the outputs.
ET 200U with mixed configuration (FMS has read access to the
ET 200U)
A DP master plus an FMS master are on the bus. The ET 200U with all its
I/O modules is configured exclusively with COM ET 200.
The DP master reads the inputs of the ET 200U and sets the outputs. The
FMS master has the right to read the I/O modules assigned to the DP mas-
ter but has no write access.
What is an
IM 318–C?
Which Modes are
ET 200U(DP Standard/FMS): Modes, Settings and Comm. Capabilities of IM 318–C