Installing and putting a TIM into operation
5.7 Startup activities of the TIM module
SINAUT ST7 Station control system - System Manual
System Manual, 05/2007, C79000-G8976-C178-06
Phase Activity
Startup aborted due to incorrect
firmware (firmware does not match
module type)
Flashes Flashes
The LEDs operate in normal mode
The LEDs stop in the phase in which the error occurred.
Group error LED
If an error occurs during startup, the red group error LED (SF) lights up and, if the TIM is
installed as a CP in an S7-300, a diagnostic interrupt is sent to the CPU. A message to this
effect is also entered in the diagnostic buffer of the TIM. In the chapter on the SINAUT
Diagnostics and Service tool, you will find a table with a summary of all the errors that can
cause the group error LED to light up, as well as a detailed description of each error
After transferring the SDBs to the TIM, the group error LED flashes for approximately 10
seconds. This indicates that the TIM has registered the transfer and will automatically start a
reset after a further 10 seconds and the parameter assignment from the newly transferred
SDBs will be adopted. The TIM then behaves the same as following power "ON".
Default startup
If the situation arises that the TIM 4R-IE can no longer be addressed over the MPI (over the
CPU) or Ethernet bus following startup due to a bad parameter assignment, the TIM can be
returned to a defined state using the default startup. Following the default startup, the TIM
can be assigned new parameter settings over the MPI interface.
To force a default startup, follow the steps outlined below:
1. Turn off the power for the TIM.
2. Press the reset button accessible from the front, turn on the power while holding down
the reset button.
3. During hardware initialization (LED phase 1), the SF LED is turned off briefly and then
turned on again. Release the reset button at the moment when the RUN LED stops
flashing and the SF LED is turned on again.
4. Wait until the startup of the TIM is completed and the default startup is signaled by the
5. The TIM can then be supplied with its parameters over the MPI interface of the CPU or its
own Ethernet interface.
If the TIM 4R-IE is installed as a CP in an S7-300 and the CPU is of the type CPU 312,
CPU 312-C, CPU 313-C, CPU 314, CPU 314-C, CPU 315-2 DP or CPU 315F-2 DP, the
TIM is assigned the MPI address 3 following a default startup. If another subscriber on
the MPI bus already has MPI address 3, a conflict will arise. You will then have to
disconnect one of the two modules temporarily from the MPI bus to be able to transfer
the parameters (including the correct MPI address) to the TIM.
6. Restart the TIM on completion of the parameter assignment.